
Trick or Treat

A Princess and a Pirate?! What happened to THING1 & THING2?

Since the 1st week in October the kids and I had been talking about what they wanted to be for Halloween. Recently they had been watching alot of the Cat in the Hat on PBS, so we were all in agreement that it would be fun to be THING1 & 2 this year. I went to walmart & bought some red outfits and then found some great iron on decals on Etsy. Hurray, I thought, Im done. Sunday afternoon I ironed on the transfers and then monday morning everything changed. Hannah had decided she wanted to be a princess and Ben of course told everyone at school he was going to be a pirate. ?! what! I didnt have a pirate costume!! While the kids were in school I did a frantic 2 hour search for last minute costumes. 2 walmarts, sears, and even salvation army proved fruitless. I had one more option... After I picked up the kids we went to saver's and found these 2 beauties. The kids were happy, Mommy was happy and we even pulled out Daddy's old pirate costume to match!

Ben had a blast at the Trunk or Treat at the church and wandered around saying "Arghh Matey" to everyone.

Guess they will have to wear their THING1 & 2 tshirts around the house.

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